di Edoardo Romanato

di Edoardo Romanato

giovedì 23 giugno 2011

La morte di Gaudì

Ecco la prima tavola colorata con photoshop per il progetto francese "L'architecte de Dieu" che mostra la strana  morte di Antoni Gaudì.

2 commenti:

  1. mi piace tantissimo!
    l'effetto sporco del colrre, le luci, e quasi non si nota l'assenza degli sfondi (tipo nella vignettona centrale)
    bella, davvero! :)

  2. Lots of PI everywhere , and if you would all listen , you could look so much better than you do now, with all this ratting, from TEXAS U to MP.
    Ass in the Seine was given up by Berrriro and we all told you it was and then Hure did the same about Nice.
    So,EF and OSIRIS with "Ricky the Greyhound " got a lot of bad " PR" from Mitt Romney , Natalie and Mann and that's not our fault...it's yours.
    Baldwin and the IRA are over the top, and that 's sheer greed.
    And if you throw in Yoko Ono and Sting, it's a " Nightmare on Elm Street".
    So, Hetu- GE- Hevener, all talking and it's important to get unified and go after
    the corruption...this is how we pull it together and end bad people in bad
    Government who make bad companies that ultimately, screw everybody.
    Be it in Newfoundland, France, California, Ontario or Greece...the " SS " racist
    regimes all fall and kill eveything in their " country bumpkin" world of " paradise".
    This includes Risa, Rice, and all the Bushes with Queen's " royal kingdoms".
    Syria to Saudia Arabia, Yemen to Rio....enough.
